
Time per session 2 to 3 hours
How often Once
Activity Duration  26/3/2017 Start


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Activity Short Description:

During my stay in Prague, I will be practicing the sport of bowling and will be competing both as a group and individually against my classmates and other students from around the globe.


Personal Goal for the Activity:

With this acivity, I hope to improve my skills at bowling as well as trying to win. I will know if I have achieved my objectives if I am profficient in the final scores of the tournaments.


Anticipated Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth:

With this activity, I will have to remember my previous skills at bowling and will have to improve them in order to grow and win the tournaments.


On the last day of our stay in Prague, we were sent to practice bowling! I have to say that I love bowling, I have not had the chance to practice it in over 3 years. Although it does not seem as an intense sport, one must use strength and balance in order hit a strike. 


In total, we played two rounds or tournaments: one competing by groups and the other competing individually. In the first round, our teams were randomly selected and my team composed of two of my classmates, two Argentinian students, and me. Sincerely, our team did horribly and I did even worse. I thought I was good at this. I suddenly realized that bowling needs to be practiced many times until perfection. I personally was not throwing the bowl fast enough and did not balnce myself well to hit it from the middle. 


Thankfully, I tried to improve these mistakes for the second round, and I did. This time, our classmates (the boys) decided to play a tournament individually against each other, and I had no other choice but to erradicate my mistakes. From the first try until the last, I was very precise, strong, and consistent. My friend Jorge gave me a hard time throughout the whole game, but I ended up winning by only one point. 


By having this experience, I realized that bowling is quite a demanding sport; and thankfully, I have develop new skills based on my previous strengths and weaknesses. I really enjoyed this activity and I will certainly repeat it soon.